Are people addicted to fear?

I do not know if you have seen the video “Bowling in Columbia”? It is a movie by M Moore and it is about gun control in America and also about the fear the media put on us everyday.

For me i seen this right now in Thailand. The foreign media is shouting out big headline from Thailand like “thousands of people stuck i Thailand” and “Violence on the street in Thailand”. But if you live in Thailand you know that these different headlines are just bad lies to sell more newspapers. The protesters in Thailand are in a 100 x 100 square meter area in Bangkok and if you not go there you never see it.

So why do we crave this news all the time that make the newspapers twist the facts so bad to please us? Because if we did not crave fighting and fear this much they would tell the truth and not lies.

Michael Moore also asked this question in his movie and why American media tried to frightened the American public so much and was it this fear that made them so violent? He showed in the movie that in other countries where they also had guns they did not use them to shoot people in schools.

I wish i had the answer to this questions but i really do not know if it is a government policy to keep people in fear or are people just addicted to fear and the media is just giving us what we want.


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