Colors for your website

wThere are hot, cold, earthy, spiritual and all the other colours of the rainbow! The question is what colour should you use for your site?

Although the colour combinations that work for many decorating ideas are pleasing to the eye, it does not mean they will work on the Web.

The reason is that the combinations that you use to serve a dual purpose: They should give a general theme of your website and, more importantly, make it easy for visitors to see and read.

The high level of contrast between black and white, having opposite locations on the chromatic scale, is good for standard paper books but not for the Web! A good selection of colours as a tool in the distribution of information is something that should be seriously considered.

The print media classical scheme of black letters on a white background is not working well for Web content. Some colours produced by the glowing phosphor of computer monitors are very intense and tend to the aggression of their business with eyes, as when we look at the snow in the sun.

The reason given above explains why a lot of people will print an electronic book for the studying. They can not take the “white aggression” of most screens.

Application programmers and web designers are discovering that savvy harmful quality monitors, and offset by the horizons of their sites off white / grey.

You can try it for yourself: read a page with a white background, and then the same page with a very light grey background. See the difference? So be careful with the colours when you make a site to choose the right colours. Shocking colours are not preferred!

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