How to keep your website safe part 1

Let start to check where most hackers break in, at the front door.
That?s right most attacks goes after the easy passwords that you have for your site like Pamela, 885566, loveboat and other easy to hack passwords.

Your password should have and random number and letters and if you can use capital letters mixed as well. The password should be at least 10 mixed letters and numbers long.
Off course these passwords are not easy to remember like lovaboat so you need to save them some where outside the computer.

Keep it safe keep it hidden

Do not save the passwords online! Print them out and save them somewhere when nobody understands it is passwords. Some people have uploaded them to webserver and the hackers have just downloaded the file from the internet.

They do not need to know

Give only a few people the master password and only if they really need it. The more you spread the password around the more risk it is that you will get hacked.

Same same but different

You should not use the same password for private and work and you should not use it for Facebook or other ?open? places. Create a password for every place and print them out. The cookie in the computer will remember them for a long time.

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