Port programming with java is very nice section.Because we can work with parallel port and same as serial port.Therefore java use use specified tool “The Communications API”
Why Object oriented programming is popular now?
This is a common question in new comers of Computer programming! We can think about like this,In the entire universe all of the things consider as Objects.There is a prototype or model to every thing.Then we can categarize to many sections and types. When we considering the programming we choose the problem as a model,then… Continue reading Why Object oriented programming is popular now?
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Computer programming for Electrical Engineers
Computer programming in Engineering Nowadays Computer Programming is done a big role in Engineering even Electrical and Electronic field.So using this high level programming languages,engineering applications became in good quality.For an example we can consider Mobil Phone Applications .In these days we have a wide of range in Mobile phones with variety of applications.Nokia ,… Continue reading Computer programming for Electrical Engineers