RSS is a web feed used to publish frequently updated content.When you surfing World Wide Web you should familiar with above image. As a probable internet like you have to keep with your favorite web sites.You may find those web sites updating or not!.So you can’t visit all of those web sites at instance. That’s… Continue reading Create RSS feed
Google Tv is real or not?
Have you hear about Google Tv?.Currently Google shows 493,000,000 number of results.In that result page you can see my nice person called Mark Erickson.He tells a method to setup a google tv account.He used his gmail account and do some steps to how to setup an account in Google Tv by using current gmail account.All… Continue reading Google Tv is real or not?
Some nice works using ip address
Every one know about what is the ip address?.It is the unique value to identify the client in the internet.Sometimes you don’t need to remember it.Becuase many of the users have a dynamic ip address.It is unique for the instant at the logging and internet using period.Basically you be within a some ip address range… Continue reading Some nice works using ip address
kandy perahera pictures
Kandy perahera gives many colorful pictures
kandy perahera
Kandy perahera in 2007 will be started on 23rd August 2007 to 27th August 2007.In sri lanka “Esala perahera” is the colorful cultural event held annually. Kandyan dancers performance is the main activity in esala perahera.
Life With Google
Currently Google is the empire in The World wide web.No arguments for that!.Many people think “Life with google” means a person who works in the Googleplex.But this is not true.Nowadays many internet users are playing with google products.For an example GMail,Adsense,Google video,Blogspot,Google reader and much more even the best search engine everyone know.Most of people… Continue reading Life With Google