Affiliate network give me $50 a day

People think the best money is with Google Adsense but that is not really true. Google Adsense is a good income provide as a foundation but the affiliate programs are the best earners.

I make around $50 a day just promoting affiliate links on different forums and that?s only from one affiliate link.

What you need to remember is to put the right affiliate links to the right people, nobody going to click on your affiliate link for ?Dog Food? in a Thailand forum for example.

When you sign up on a affiliate link make sure the payout is good and that they have good terms. Many affiliate programs pay out very slow or never so you need to find trusted affiliate programs.

You should also try to hide your affiliate link from the user because some people do not want you to earn money or they think they can get the service cheaper. But in 99% of the cases this is not true.

Luck URL is a good short url maker and its absolute free.

Affiliate link I make $50 dollars a day from

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