What would you do if Tomorrow never comes?

One of the things that we as humans seem to take for granted is ‘Time.’ Somehow, we think that tomorrow is promised and what doesn’t get accomplished today will be done later; but can your soul and eternal destiny be put off for another time, too?

While I was waiting for lunch. I was thinking what next to write about, and then some music came through my ears,very romantic. I remember it immediately as soon as I heard, it called “if tomorrow never comes by singer Ronan Keating.”
It got me an idea about topic to write ” What would you do if Tomorrow never came?” after that I searched for more details to support and motivate my thought. I want to know what anyone think if tomorrow never come? and what they want to do for today and any things

I found one article of a young boy. Some of the articles, rationality and confidence, is that of looking forward to a “Tomorrow.” We never question that expectation because for whatever instinctive or innate reasoning as a sentient ‘being,’ it is as predictable and autonomic as breathing, something done without conscious thought, that indeed there will always be a tomorrow. But, “WHAT IF” today is the last day, and there is not another one to look forward to, ever again?

His article somewhat related to the philosophy And This young man has been blessed on the stories he had written by Google given him good paid. Sound Good,isn’t? so what about you if tomorrow never come?

reflect end of day

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