Free Content. That is what we all webmasters want, right? Not only do we want it for free, but we want it to be original content just to our site. We are going to make reprints of articles or comments, if we can not obtain the original content, but what we really want people to write content for us, and only us.
And why not? Good original content does well in the search engines and attracts traffic that we can convert to the sale or clicks (for those who want to earn an income from programs like Google Adsense).
The question is how to get people to write content for us.
The main thing you need to understand is: they will not write for your site because you want them to do so. If I am a writer, I could not care less what you want. Everything that I do is done to get something I want. You, me and everyone else are the same way.
What you need to do is to determine how the content of your site can be beneficial to the writer. Think about their needs. Think about how you can get what you want – original content – while helping them to get what they want. You can either pay them some quick bucks for the articles you want or you can setup a contest. You can visit a webmaster forum for example and say that you will pay 100$ for the best article you get. You should be able to get well over 100 articles this way for a cheap penny. The articles will also be quality rich since it is a contest and the article with best content wins!