Importance of submitting story in digg

Today, I got this result from the web stat account. I saw some person has visited to this site by using the search term ?Biography of Google creator? in Google. I have never written a post which relates to this query. But one of the post that is ?Life with Google ?appears in the Google in number one position. But he wants informations about the biography of the google creator.I?m sure he didn?t happy about that post and skip from my site. Because there wasn?t such information about what he wants?. I guess this could be happen from the Google AI system.Because it has a good logical concept to find the best result to a query. Now we can analyze this happen!.Because it’s very useful to do a correct post in blog to get the correct visitor to the blog. Unless the visitor may ignore the blog, Because he can think this blog is not providing correct informations.

Let see the screen shot in that case.

I surprised for that result. How could be it happen? .In the last week I wrote a post about the major members in Google development team. Actually I submit an article in digg using the following page in Google.
Google Management
Now I can understand ?What was happened?? . This site is indexed well in that query, because I used digg and a page most of people don?t care!
So what I need to tell a lesson from this happen is ?Use digg to build a huge traffic to your blog by submitting many stories. You may use web pages that have nice content?. I?m sure you will have a good traffic from digg. Most recently digg gave a huge traffic to this site compared with other reference sites.


  1. Hi,
    In some wordpress blogs at the end of every post you see links to submit the post to social bookmarking sites like digg, stumbleupon, reddit etc. Do you know a way to put them at the end of each post in a blogspot blog?

    BTW You give very valuable tips and advic. Keep up the great work.
    regards from a fellow Kandian 🙂

  2. Hi planet apex,
    I went through in your blog.Nice to see a kandian as me.(You have a very nice and fresh content in your blog)
    Yes,You can add an all in one unit by using “Feedburner”. I guess you have an account in Feedburner.
    Use “FeedFlare” to do it.But i was trying it.(It’s not working to me). Because i modified the blogger template.
    They give all steps to do it!.My advice is “Edit the default template and do some tests”. You will have an optimized blog.


  3. hmm submitting to digg is really important.. i submitted one of my new blogs to digg and my blog got indexed in google within 1 day..So that says it.. I have added soomething new in my blog for opera users an Opera Feed widget..Looks cool..check it out
    Simple Tricks

  4. can you tell me whether it is against
    digg tos to submit your story yourself

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